Brahmacharya is the fourth YAMA (“Yamas” are the ethical guidelines from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, which are the first of eight limbs of traditional yoga) and is often defined as "celibacy" or "control
of sexual desire" to avoid becoming distracted and retain focus on your yogic path. However, it is time to embrace a modern and slightly adjusted meaning of practicing
Brahmacharya, which is less restrictive, yet embodies a similar intention.
When I first began studying the Yamas, my teachers asked each
student to select one of the five yamas to focus on and practice for the next two weeks until our next
class meeting. I chose Brahmacharya. Other students cringed at the thought
of incorporating this yama in their daily practice of yoga, often times
referencing their significant other and resistance. However, when we
discussed a few variations and definitions of Bramacharya, I took a different
interpretation to heart.
My interpretation of Brahmacharya is a Holistic idea that our time & energy is more efficiently spent once we choose to distribute it evenly across the various areas of our lives; rather
than investing it in one particular task or activity. Examples of "one particular task or activity" where you might place most of your time and energy might be in a form of seeking sexual desire (trying to find and attract a mate, for instance), or watching TV shows for hours on end.
I began to introduce this new Holistic take on Brahmacharya into my everyday life -- starting out with small observations and slowly building up to making new choices. I first
began to
observe where I have been choosing to distribute my energy. I found myself
spending more time and energy than I wanted to on things that were not helping me fulfill my personal values
(i.e. – browsing through social media sites when I was bored, or analyzing a negative interaction from a past relationship). I started to intercept these energy-burning activities and thought patterns by choosing to stop what I was doing the moment I recognized them. Once I paused, I took a few seconds to think about what I was getting out of my current activity -- for example: was it having a positive or negative effect on my mood? I thought of other alternatives that I could be using my time for, and once I had a few options in mind, I consciously decided where I wanted to redistribute that same energy.
After a few
weeks of practicing my modern take on Brahmacharya, the seemingly small adjustments I made in my routine began to add up and I was starting to GET THINGS DONE! I got things done that I had wanted to do for months, but somehow could "never find the time" to do for myself.
I gained a new sense of responsibility for my actions and productivity.
If I have an hour before having to leave for work,
will I spend the entire hour watching TV, or will I choose to spend 45-minutes doing laundry, making my lunch, writing a grocery list, and spending just 15-minutes watching TV? The practice of Brahmacharya also encouraged me to contemplate some deep-rooted questions about my life: Do I want to continue to tread water, living each day putting effort in places just to stay afloat? Or would I rather put my energy and
awareness towards actions and thoughts that will help me
grow into a positive, empowered version of me?
An important thing to remember about TIME and ENERGY is that they are both set on the same autopilot mode for every single person on Earth. They are constantly being spent, whether we are aware of it or not. We cannot stop or reuse time, nor can we go back and reuse energy that has already been spent. One day can be spent a.) full of laughter and joy in the sunshine surrounded by others or b.) full of negative thoughts and concerns in a dark room all alone -- either way, the same amount of time and energy is used up that has been allotted for the day.
Curious about how you might feel by incorporating this yama into your daily
life? Give it a try -- it is easier than you think! The next time you find yourself sitting in the same spot
for an hour, ask yourself if you might enjoy spending your energy doing things that will make your day more productive. Also, ask yourself how you might FEEL differently once you chose to
distribute your energy in more positive and responsible ways.